Friday, October 09, 2009

Inserting inline images in gmail

This is for those who are wondering how to add a image into your email/gmail.

Here is how you can add images to your email without having to do any stunts...

Follow the below steps:

1. Open your email in any browser you are comfortable with
2. Login

The following four steps just need to be followed only for the first time...

3. Click on Settings link on the right top corner.
4. In the page which appears... find the "Labs" tab.
5. In the list of items listed Labs tab... search for "Inserting images" which is 6th form the bottom most. So, it is suggested to start checking from bottom.
6. Enable the option beside "Inserting Images", then go down the page and click "Save Changes".

That's it.

Now the mail will reload itself...

7. Click on Compose mail.
8. Try finding the insert image icon Untitled.jpg, it can be found under the subject box... in the list of icons... in between the smiley and link icon... (Check this link if you are still not able to locate the icon.. )

9. Click on it.. browse and upload the image from your computer or just give the web address... and click ADD IMAGE... This will insert the image into your mail.

Though the above looks like a huge procedure... it is pretty much straight forward... once you get familiarized with it... it will take a second to add a new image into your mail.

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