I like making shapes out of wax and quite often end up pouring the liquid wax on my clothes... It can be challenging to remove the wax from your clothes as it gets observed into the threads.
Here is a video on how to remove wax from your clothes..
How To Remove Wax From Clothes Or Material
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How to remove Wax From Clothes
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
I don't understand nuclear physics... hardly attended any physics class, I am more a computers guy... So, instead of explaining what I know about Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - from what I read.. I have just compiled few statements from different articles on LHC, knowledgeable and fun to read... also few funny comments...
About LHC
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27 kilometer (17 mile) long particle accelerator straddling the border of Switzerland and France, is nearly set to begin today - that's right today "At 12:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday Sept 2008", scientists on the Franco-Swiss border
will flip the switch on the Large Hadron Collider . The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is preparing for its first planned particle collisions before the end of the year. The final step before starting is the chilling of the entire collider to -271.25 C (-456.25 F).
The end of the world as we know it?
Now the media is correctly reporting that some physicists believe that the Large Hadron Collider might produce mini black holes in its collisions, and that black holes are in general so powerful that they can swallow up not just the Earth, but whole star systems. The media also correctly reported that physicists, when pressed, cannot completely dismiss the chance of being eaten alive by these mini black holes from the LHC.
First of all, mother nature can produce subatomic particles of greater energy than the puny LHC in the form of cosmic rays. These high-energy particles, which are accelerated to astronomical energies by huge magnetic and electric fields in space, have been raining down on Earth for billions of years, plenty of time to swallow up the planet - yet we are still here to write about it.
Secondly, these mini black holes are not just small black holes; they are actually subatomic in size, comparable to electrons or protons. The entire energy created by these particles would not even light up a light bulb if the LHC were running for a hundred years. Although the subatomic particles produced by the LHC can have trillions of electron volts, the LHC is expected, at best, to create mini black holes at the rate of one per second, which is much too small to cause any appreciable danger to anyone.
Thirdly, these mini black holes are unstable, and quickly decay. Instead of gobbling up matter and becoming big enough to eat up the Earth, they go in the opposite direction, emitting radiation so that they eventually disappear into nothing, a process proposed by the renowned Cambridge physicist, Stephen Hawking. So these subatomic black holes naturally self-destruct.
Fourthly, when pressed by journalists to flatly declare that the worst case scenario cannot occur, physicists shy away, not because we think the event might occur, but because of a loophole in the quantum theory. Because of Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, there is a tiny chance that anything will occur. There is a chance that firebreathing dragons will be produced by the LHC. But the probability of this event is so small, one can show that it will not happen in the lifetime of the universe.
What Happens if You Fall Into a Black Hole?
Anyways this is not going to happen... so don't panic... but still I thought someone would be interested.. as I was..
Your body would be shredded apart into the smallest possible pieces. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, who wrote the definitive account Death by Black Hole, imagined the experience as "the most spectacular way to die in space."
A black hole is a place where the force of gravity is so powerful that you would need to be traveling at a speed faster than the speed of light to escape its pull. Since nothing in the universe is faster than the speed of light, nothing that falls into a black hole can ever escape. The border at which gravity becomes strong enough to create that phenomenon is known as the "event horizon"; it marks the outer boundary of the black hole. (Until the 1940s, some scientists believed that matter crusted up on the event horizon and didn't fall in.)
If you fell into a large enough black hole, your last moments would be a little bit like being on the inside of a distorted, one-way mirror. No one outside would be able to see you, but you'd have a view of them. Meanwhile, the gravitational pull would bend the light weirdly and distort your last moments of vision.
comments compiled :) have a hearty laugh - some creative writing ha!!
# This thing is going to kill us all.
# It looks like Half life:)
# awesome. where can we sign up to be the first person to jump into a black hole?
# Nope! We're all gonna die. (isn't it more fun that way?)
# really who thought of this? How big does your head need to be to think of something lke this...
# Oh. My. God
# Hope there's not a cable loose somewhere...
# I truly have a bad feeling about this.
# Absolutely mind blowing pictures. Probably the most beautiful photographs I've ever seen about technology.
# I HOPE it kills us all.
# how many people could we feed with that money?
# The end of the world is pretty.
# Wow, Half-life 3 is going to be sweet!
# To me me me: Science shouldn't lie just to make you more comfortable. That's religion's job.
# They're waiting for you Gordon.....In the tessst chamber!
# Sadly for those wanting the Ultimate Fate of the Universe, it will not kill us all.
# so how fast does it download porn.... you know that's the only important question!
# I have my crowbar ready for any unforseen consequences.
-- this comment got me ROFL!!!
# What an 18 billion dollar budget and the cant afford to give the IT guys a flat screen!
-- Check out the spans below... one of the IT guy is using a CRT :-)
# I hope it does not run Windows Vista
# pfft this thing again? i have one in my backyard.
# i would love to scrap that thing
# Research for research sake is a beautiful thing.
# OMFG! wait, now - what does god have to do with it?
# You people are stupid ... read something.
# yeah,but does it come with a remote control?
# Troubleshooting this would be a nightmare
# Who's going to troubleshoot this thing?
# I hope they are not running Vista!?!
-- again :)
# Ho, ho, ho...!
Drink, eat and f#ck!
The whole world
is going to crack....
Love, play, kiss and drink!
The world is going to sink!
Be injudicious, my good friend,
as if the world goes to its end...!
(...and if not happens today,
your life will be get away...)
-- This thing even gets people to become poets :-) LOL!!
# Just Think of the Electric Bill!!!!!
# Has anyone seen my car keys?
# Yeah, we're becoming aliens! :D
Here is a collection of photographs from CERN, showing various stages of completion of the LHC and several of its larger experiments (some over seven stories tall), over the past several years.View of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment Tracker Outer Barrel (TOB) in the cleaning room. The CMS is one of two general-purpose LHC experiments designed to explore the physics of the Terascale, the energy region where physicists believe they will find answers to the central questions at the heart of 21st-century particle physics. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
The Globe of Innovation in the morning. The wooden globe is a structure originally built for Switzerland's national exhibition, Expo'02, and is 40 meters wide, 27 meters tall. (Maximilien Brice; Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
Assembly and installation of the ATLAS Hadronic endcap Liquid Argon Calorimeter. The ATLAS detector contains a series of ever-larger concentric cylinders around the central interaction point where the LHC's proton beams collide. (Roy Langstaff, © CERN)
Checks are performed on the alignment of the magnets in the LHC tunnel. It is vital that each magnet is placed exactly where it has been designed so that the path of the beam is precisely controlled. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
The ALICE Inner Tracking System during its transport in the experimental cavern and its insertion into the Time Projection Chamber (TPC). ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment @ CERN) will study the physics of ultrahigh-energy proton-proton and lead-lead collisions and will explore conditions in the first instants of the universe, a few microseconds after the Big Bang. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
Insertion of the tracker in the heart of the CMS detector. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
The LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. This huge 6X7 square meter wall consists of 3300 blocks containing scintillator, fibre optics and lead. It will measure the energy of particles produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC when it is started. Photons, electrons and positrons will pass through the layers of material in these modules and deposit their energy in the detector through a shower of particles. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
Photo from the CMS pixel-strip integration test performed at the Tracker Integration Facility at the Meyrin site. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
French, Swiss and CERN firemen move rescue equipment through the LHC tunnel. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
View of the LHC cryo-magnet inside the tunnel. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
Insertion of the tracker in the heart of the CMS detector. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
The Z+ end of the CMS Tracker with Tracker Outer Barrel completed. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
View from the surface during lowering of the first ATLAS small wheel into the tunnel on side C of the cavern. (Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
Lowering of one of the two ATLAS muon small wheels into the cavern. (Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
View of the ATLAS detector during July 2007 (Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
A welder works on the interconnection between two of the LHC's superconducting magnet systems, in the LHC tunnel. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
View of the CMS detector at the end of 2007. (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
Transporting the ATLAS Magnet Toroid End-Cap A between building 180 to ATLAS point 1. (Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
View of the ATLAS cavern side A beginning of February 2008, before lowering of the Muon Small Wheels (Maximilien Brice; Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
The L3 magnet in the ALICE cavern, with one door almost closed. (Mona Schweizer, © CERN)
Lowering of the last element (YE-1) of the CMS detector into its underground experimental cavern. (Mona Schweizer, © CERN)
The first ATLAS Inner Detector End-Cap after complete insertion within the Liquid Argon Cryostat. (Claudia Marcelloni; Max Brice, © CERN)
Installation of the ATLAS pixel detector into the cavern (Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
Installation of the Beam Pipe in the ATLAS cavern (Maximilien Brice, © CERN)
View of the Computer Center during the installation of servers. (Maximilien Brice; Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)
Installation of the world's largest silicon tracking detector in the CMS experiment. (Michael Hoch, © CERN)
Aerial view of CERN and the surrounding region of Switzerland and France. Three rings are visible, the smaller (at lower right) shows the underground position of the Proton Synchrotron, the middle ring is the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) with a circumference of 7 km and the largest ring (27 km) is that of the former Large Electron and Positron collider (LEP) accelerator with part of Lake Geneva in the background. (© CERN)
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Gmail features that come with Google Chrome
- Application shortcuts: with this feature, people can place a shortcut on their desktop to Gmail. With this, users can open Gmail in its own window, one that looks like a regular Windows application window. This is useful for those that don't want the clutter of the address bar, bookmarks, etc.
Many websites, such as email services, operate like actual programs, similar to those on your computer desktop.
Open these websites just like any other programs on your computer. Create an application shortcut for the website you're on:
- Click the Page menu
- Select Create application shortcuts.
- In the 'Google Gears' dialog box, select the checkboxes where you want shortcuts to be placed on your computer.
- Desktop
- Start menu
- Quick launch bar
- Click the OK button.
When you double-click a shortcut icon, the web application opens in a special streamlined window that gives you as much working room as possible.
- You can add "gmail.com" as a search engine in the address bar, thus allowing you to search your emails directly from the address bar. so, once set up, you can type "gmail to:me from:larry" into the address bar. Once you press Enter, a Gmail window will open with the search results already loaded.