Friday, November 18, 2005

Its been pretty long that I has posted anything on my blog.. so wanted to write something.. one of my friend.. pinged me on chat..its been more than two years we spoke..not that we fought..just a gap..we were not in can say.. a hi and bye friend...classmate..cut he said hi on chat and asked how is life..I said..its going on..I mean I did not knew what to answer.. then after a while started... when someone asks you howz life..what will be your or going one or say boring.. but how do you want it to be.. you always want it to be happy..

I think.. your life is boring or cool or great just because you want it to be like that.. I mean you are the one who can control your life.. crap.. i dont wanna write more about it.. ..what ever..

Here is something very intersting i got from anuradhagoyal's blog.. its very much true...

..that your thoughts can help you create something that in your present thoughts seems like a miracle.....if you can control your thoughts you can everything in your life, from your physical body to your relationships and the pronlems around the world by creating movements...


sudeep said...

So dude......Howz life??

"The hook" said...

hi... checked anuradha's blog... hav to read that book..
there is also a book on creative visualisation by an indian author.. the name is not on top of my mind right now.. wil get back on that one....
That book gives examples as to how u can actually practice the same.. i hav not done it, nevertheless deny the posibility either !

Anonymous said...

Ya ur r right santhosh. we will be having many things in our life. but we still think of the things that we dont have. surely thats life. happiness depends on our thinking. Thoughts shape our careers.......